Find Reseller Hosting Plan To Start Your Business

With fastest and secure server.

Reseller Starter

200 GB Pure NVme SSD Storage
100 Control Panels
BDIX Server
Minimum 10 Gbps Port Speed
WHMCS Setup (Global)
WHM Control Panel
Support Via Ticket and Live Chat
Realtime Access
Unlimited Email accounts
Linux server
Licenced Softwares

Reseller Pro

400 GB Pure NVme SSD Storage
200 Control Panels
BDIX Server
Minimum 10 Gbps Port Speed
WHMCS Setup (Global)
WHM Control Panel
Support Via Ticket and Live Chat
Realtime Access
Unlimited Email accounts
Linux server
Licenced Softwares

Reseller Pro Max

500 GB Pure NVme SSD Storage
300 Control Panels
BDIX Server
Minimum 10 Gbps Port Speed
WHMCS Setup (Global)
WHM Control Panel
Support Via Ticket and Live Chat
Realtime Access
Unlimited Email accounts
Linux server
Licenced Softwares